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Trust B - A Credit Shelter Trust


Trust B (also referred to as a By-Pass Trust, Family Trust, or Credit Shelter Trust) allows a married couple to take full advantage of the applicable credit available to each individual, thereby reducing the couple’s estate taxes and probate costs. The result is that more of the estate is passed to the heirs. 


In many estates, a trust is set up in what is commonly referred to as an A-B Trust plan. Trust A, the "marital share," can pass estate-tax free to a surviving spouse by utilizing the unlimited marital deduction. Trust A is a popular phrase typically used to describe a type of marital trust. 


Trust B, the non-marital share (also called a "Credit Shelter Trust") can also pass tax-free to the last survivor's children for any share of the trust remaining at the survivor's death. 


Major Characteristics of Trust B Benefits of Trust B



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